22,000 women are diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in the US every year. Unfortunately, there is not a diagnostic tool for this disease, and the symptoms are vague, so that most of these cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, making recovery slim.

This cancer does not discriminate. Women as young as 17 have been diagnosed with Ovarian cancer.

Diane O’Conner is a 15 year survivor of Ovarian cancer after diagnosed in late stages of the disease. She is now an advocate and a strong voice for this disease. After serving on several boards and starting her own local nonprofit organization, she has started a ‘Trust your Gut’ campaign to teach the signs and symptoms. Diagnosed in early stages significantly improves the chances of survival.

Diane and her ‘posse’ of survivors trek to OHSU regularly to give presentations to med students in their Gyn rotation, and to nurses, telling their stories, and impressing the audience with the easily missed symptoms, pleading them to take the signs of bloating, gas, and pain seriously enough to order tests.

Dr. Cynthia Bye N.D. with A Journey to Wellness Clinic in Vancouver Washington is a Naturopathic physician, and a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology, sheds insights on proactive steps we can all take to improve our physical condition, and lessen the chances getting cancer. According to Dr. Bye, there are contributing lifestyle factors leading to cancer that we can control. The standard American Diet causes increased insulin production and inflammation, which are leading causes of cancer. Both Diane O’Conner and Dr. Bye tell us to pay attention to our gut, our diet, and to seek medical care as soon as discomfort arises. “Cancer is a multi-factorial disease”, Dr. Bye points out, adding that genetic factors, diet, inflammation and digestion issues all play a part in manifesting cancer. For more facts about cancer prevention and treatment watch our interview here!